Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Simply resting on the beach

Sometimes the nicest thing you can do, maybe even the most essential thing you can do, is just to lay down and do nothing.

Just rest.


Lay back and watch the clouds slide past.

I've spent more than a week now doing mostly that. I admit to working a bit, dancing a little, running on the beach and snorkeling when that sounded like fun. I've laughed and dodged some raindrops and clinked a toast to more happy years ahead. And squeezed in a little more work.

But mostly Hawaii has been all about rest.

Tomorrow night we board American's red eye flight for home. I am so thrilled to be going home to the usual chaotic work schedule. And isn't that the point of a good rest, after all? It's all about that delicate balance between working hard and playing hard, resting and exercise.

Boy, has this been a good rest. And now to real life again, full of inspiration and ideas, ready to tackle the challenges.